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Subject Choices

The Pretoria Chinese School offers a broad and balanced curriculum that provides the best possible education to meet the needs of students according to their talents and strengths.  Our curriculum design will excite students and will provide students with vibrant and creative learning environments that are challenging and encourage curiosity and choice. 

School Subject Choice Summary

Grade 9 Core Subjects

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English Home Language

English is a subject that takes students on a journey through literature while allowing them to develop their skills of critical thinking and analysis, as well as teaching them to form and communicate their own opinions logically and coherently through writing and speaking. English allows students to think independently and gives them the opportunity to listen and respond to perspectives that differ from their own. English is a core subject and is a requirement to pass Grade 12. 

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Afrikaans First Additional Language 

The Afrikaans First Additional Language subject focuses on equipping students with listening, speaking, and reading and writing skills that are used in everyday social situations. Afrikaans First Additional Language is a core subject and all students are required to take the subject (unless they have been granted immigrant status). 

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Mathematics consists of several topics including Algebra, Patterns, Functions and Graphs, Statistics, Euclidean Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Probabilities, and Trigonometry. In Grade 12 we tackle the exciting topic of Calculus as well. 

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Mathematical Literacy 

This subject does not involve abstract Mathematical formulas, proofs, or theorems. Scenarios given to students involve various problems to solve using basic to moderate complex Mathematical skills. We focus on topics such as Finances, Measurement, Data Handling, Probability, Tariff, Financial Documents, Rates and Taxes, and Maps and Scales. 

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AP Mathematics 

AP Mathematics is an exam subject at the end of Grade 12 and is an extra subject offered. The subject helps students prepare for university, especially selection courses. The following topics are covered, in addition to standard Mathematics topics: complex number theory, partial fractions, absolute values, Mathematical induction, Integral Calculus, and graphical optimization in Calculus. 

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IEB Mandarin 

IEB Mandarin focuses on language skills which include listening, speaking, reading and viewing, and writing and presenting skills which allow students to communicate appropriately in Mandarin. Students will learn various forms of the language, such as literature, poems, short stories, texts, news, and correspondence in daily life. 

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PCS Mandarin 

PCS Mandarin is focused on equipping students with oral communication skills to help them improve in conversation. Students are trained to express themselves as well as to listen for understanding through essay writing, conversation, and discussion practices. 

Grade 9 Elective Subject Choices



Geography is about the interaction between people and the environment in which we live. It deals with looking at issues in the real world and is therefore an exciting and dynamic subject to study. It is unique in that it provides a balance between the Science and Social Science fields of study. Geography is skills-based, focusing on reading, interpreting, and analysing data and visual material. The emphasis is on dealing with issues using a problem-solving approach. 



History is a subject that takes students on a journey through the past, allowing them to develop skills in critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation. By studying history, students gain an understanding of how past events, cultures, and decisions have shaped the present world. It encourages students to form reasoned opinions and communicate their ideas clearly, both in writing and discussion. History fosters independent thinking and offers students the opportunity to examine multiple perspectives on significant events. As a key subject, it helps students develop a broader worldview and understand the complexities of society today.


Physical Science 

Physical Science covers everything in our world. All physical and biological processes are rooted in Science. Science explains the world we live in and why our bodies and all other processes work. It teaches vital skills that enable us to find answers to how the world works. 



Economics introduces students to the world of markets, money, and decision-making, while developing essential skills in critical thinking and analysis. It helps students understand how societies allocate resources, how businesses operate, and how government policies influence economic growth. Economics encourages students to form logical, evidence-based opinions on real-world issues like inflation, unemployment, and trade. By studying economics, students gain valuable insights into the global economy and the forces shaping everyday life, making it a vital subject for those interested in business, finance, or policymaking.


Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) 

Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) teaches internationally acknowledged principles that have both academic and technical applications. The emphasis in EGD is on teaching specific basic knowledge and various drawing techniques and skills so that students will be able to interpret and produce drawings within the contexts of Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology, and Electrical Technology. 

EGD is essential for communicating concepts and ideas in industry and engineering. In order to make the drawings easier to understand, familiar symbols, perspectives, units of measurement, notation systems, visual styles, and page layouts are used. Together, such conventions constitute a visual language and help to ensure that the drawing is unambiguous and relatively easy to understand. Many of the symbols and principles of EGD are codified in an international standard called ISO 128. 


Life Science 

Life Science is the branch out of Natural Sciences which deals with biological and living organisms. Life Science is an interesting subject as it includes the study of living organisms and life processes. Life Science lays the foundations for important disciplines including Zoology, Ecology, Bio Informatics, Biotechnology, Biomedical Research, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Haematology, Oncology, and Aerobiology. 

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Music is a subject that takes students on a journey through sound, rhythm, and creativity, while allowing them to develop their skills in listening, interpretation, and performance. It encourages students to express themselves and explore various cultural and historical contexts through musical styles and genres. Music nurtures independent thinking, collaboration, and emotional intelligence, as students not only create their own compositions but also appreciate the works of others. By engaging with music, students learn discipline and focus, while fostering their creative talents. Music is a valuable subject that enriches students' education and personal growth, offering lifelong skills and appreciation for the art.


Business Studies 

Business Studies looks at the decisions business owners are faced with on a daily basis, from an entrepreneur finding a business idea to established businesses facing challenges from external forces. The subject also focuses on and develops the skills business owners should have to regularly evolve and reinvent the business to maintain competitive advantage. 


Computer Applications Technology (CAT) 

Computer Applications Technology is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software) and the practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. The solutions to problems are designed, managed, and processed via end-user applications and communicated using appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs). 

ICTs are the combination of networks, hardware, and software as well as the means of communication, collaboration, and engagement that enable the processing, management, and exchange of data, information, and knowledge. 


Information Technology (IT) 

Information Technology at FET level has two components: theory and practical (programming). These two components form the foundations for students wanting to go into Engineering, Surveying, and ICT systems. Many of these tertiary-level courses have ICT as a compulsory module in the first and second years. 

The practical component teaches the student programming principles by means of Java. The principles include variables, mathematical operators, string handling, loops, conditional statements, and arrays. With the focus on programming principles and problem solving, the leap from a single language at secondary level to a variety of languages at tertiary level is achieved with relative ease. Within the theory component, fundamentals of hardware and software, networking, database design, and normalisation are covered, amongst other topics, over the three-year course. The content is covered in the textbook but students are expected to do additional reading regarding current trends in ICT from other sources like IT magazines and internet articles. 


Visual Arts 

Visual Arts is about self-expression and helps students to engage meaningfully with, and respond to, their world in a non-verbal way. Students explore art from around the world through project-based activities. Visual literacy and the study of past historical movements and artists up until the present inform and shape students’ understanding of visual culture. Based on directed investigation, students reinterpret selected forms to promote understanding of themes, purposes, symbolism, and traditional formal characteristics. Students compare various cultural responses in art to universal themes, gaining respect for diverse perspectives and the rich heritage shared by cultures from around the world. 

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Accounting focuses on measuring performance and processing and communicating financial information about economic sectors. This discipline ensures that principles such as ethical behaviour, transparency, and accountability are adhered to. Accounting as subject deals with the logical, systematic, and accurate selection and recording of financial information and transactions, as well as the compilation, analysis, interpretation, and communication of financial statements and managerial reports for use by interested parties. The subject encompasses accounting knowledge, skills, and values that focus on the Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, and Auditing fields. These fields cover a broad spectrum of accounting concepts and skills to prepare students for a variety of career opportunities. 


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849 Halse St, Wingate Park, Pretoria, 0153

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